Welcome to 2020 and covid 19 and for the life of me, I still do not know what the ‘19’ stands for. Its probably been explained somewhere (I hope) but until I actually find that somewhere it shall be relegated to my personal realm of eternal mystery along with such questions as “what shall I have for dinner?” and “what women want?”. Now it may be just me but I do not see the point of people needing fake news about a global virus or anything when there is always a mass quantity of factual information for people to disregard anyway like they have been doing and continue to worry about keeping up with the Kardashians or watching repeat youtube cat videos.

It does stand to reason that this is the first time in human history where you had to stay home to do your job. For those who experience married life like the odd couple except one is female, you can no longer escape the spouse through work or vice versa. Yes there truly is a God and all those spouse jokes you once got drunk to, manifested and you experienced sans alcohol that like said god karma exists too.

Yes the world has turned into a giant Mortal Kombat cosplay between nose and chin and who knew we would reach a stage in history where coughing and sneezing could likely repel hijackers more than tasers and bullets?

Another quirky observation to take note of would be the fact that proverb turned prophecy then non-negotiable policy. The expression “I would not touch you with a 10ft pole” well it may not be 10ft but social distancing keeps people apart a solid 6ft at least. Another plus is that although many people have finally gone off the deep end due to cabin fever, hormone driven teens have at least for now had one more barrier besides the pill and latex barriers to prevent teenage pregnancy.

After several weeks I have also begun to wonder if this was all a peculiar conspiracy to recover the daily copious amounts of alcohol people once consumed. Well after nearly eight weeks of being rather dry, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if lots of people have quit or if someone went completely insane during the unbanning and took a bath in a tub of bourbon.

Many nature enthusiasts and environmentalists have spoken about the recovery of the natural fauna and flora and I must say, speak those words with caution all China is thinking is “don’t eat them all yourself, save some for me”. So, this is all apparently started with a bat (I personally believe that is hogwash) however it does explain why I have never seen a Chinese batman.

On one serious note (because if I didn’t have one there would certainly be a complaint) the amount of international support empathy and co – operation has been phenomenal from people of all walks of life. This has indeed helped many who couldn’t eat or simply needed help to keep a roof over their heads. The once notable barriers between people due to gender, nationality and race where indeed breaking away… till some dude killed George Floyd. A tragic incident which created divides where barriers were being broken and a force for unity for others all over the world.

Based on the countless posts and comments of people around the world, it is quite evident that all news casters just need broadcast equipment and not a studio because seeing them in their flip flops and boxer shorts isn’t as traumatizing as people once thought. Also some people have confessed to enjoying being naked as a jaybird with their morning coffee and stock reports, amongst other thngs.

As to the issue of people wearing face masks… well it’s been around for decades like the lunatics who are anti – vaccine, global warming and a host of other things which were of considerable discomfort much like in – laws, exes, politicians and a list that is destined to grow.

Finally at the core of the pandemic, the climbing numbers make people seem oblivious to the countless others who are victims to domestic violence, crime, heart disease, HIV, the flu and many many other bringers of death. Does it not seem we as a population seem to go crazy for every new thing that comes about and never learn from it soon enough and forget our history of resilience and ingenuity? Either that or the entire world has Alzheimer’s and miraculously forgotten about the other plagues and instances of conflict such as the bubonic plague, cholera, malaria, smallpox, two world wars, the Rwandan genocide and of course Justin Bieber. Each time we lost scores of people and survived. We had the chance to adjust infrastructure and develop medicines and be prepared but didn’t. After these and in between came swine flu, bird flu the Spanish influenza and several others but the pattern we saw was rather similar.

  • Step 1 – the country tries to ignore it
  • Step 2 – the country admits to it after they cannot contain it
  • Step 3 – the country freaks out and broadcasts it
  • Step 4 – it is detected everywhere
  • Step 5 – people go crazy
  • Step 6 – research begins
  • Step 7 – its cured or runs its course
  • Step 8 – nobody learns a thing and it repeats.

I wonder what animal (if we haven’t consumed them all by then) they’ll blame the next pandemic on? I don’t expect the world to learn from this as they haven’t thus far.

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